Herbal Remedies for Constipation and Sluggish Bowels

May 5, 2009

Sluggish bowels occur when there are limited or no bowel movements after eating. Naturally, your body should have at least three bowel movements per day. On average, most people have one bowel movement per day to avoid major illness and toxin build up you need to have a bowel movement once per week.

Sluggish bowels may cause many types of illnesses and symptoms. Toxins that should be eliminated rather quickly accumulate in the intestine and will wreak havoc on your entire system. Having sluggish bowels can lead to low energy a weakened immune system and an overall feeling of being ill.

Here are three common herbs that will provide relief and lend support to a sluggish bowel.

Organic Ginger Root is great for stimulating peristalsis to help bowel movements get started. Peristalsis is the term used to describe the muscle contractions that push waste through the intestinal tract. There are plant chemicals in ginger root that make it useful for combating nausea during pregnancy or from motion sickness.

Organic Turkey Rhubarb has been used by the Chinese for constipation for years. Components of this herb increase the volume in the intestine and the increased pressure causes stimulation of the muscles that initiate bowel movements. Another herb that acts in the same manner is Cascara Sagrada. Wildcrafted aloe and black walnut hulls are widely used to relieve constipation.

Native Americans widely used Slippery Elm Bark to soothe areas of the intestinal tract that were irritated and this helped relieve any pain which occurred during bowel movements. Another natural way to improve digestion and get rid of sluggish bowel is to use a good probiotic or digestive enzyme that will aid in digesting the foods you eat. Your bowels may also be sluggish due to poor digestion and breakdown of the protein rich foods. Remember to drink a lot of water to increase volume to your stool and try using one of the herbs mentioned for a natural solution to your sluggish bowels.

For more info: Remember to consult your doctor before any changes are made to your diet. Feel free to contact Dr. Evans at info@evansclinic.com for more tips on what herbs stop constipation and sluggish bowels.